hot on your heels

másik forma / an other form: close on your heels
jelentés / meaning:

a sarkadban van, a nyomodban van

 following directly behind someone 
példák / examples:
  • She headed inside the house with her brother hot on her heels.
  • She left the restaurant with him hot on her heels. 

(to be) on a par with somebody or something

[UK: pɑr], [USA: pɔ'r]
par= egyenlőség, egyenrangúság 

 jelentés / meaning:
egyenlő szinten

at the same level as someone or something 

"Dementia should be made a top health priority on a par with cancer and lung disease."
 példák / examples:

  • This violinist may be an amateur but he's on a par with professional orchestral players.
  • Graduate unemployment rates were almost on a par with those for people leaving school with just GCSEs. 
  • The belief that girls are not on a par with boys when it comes to mathematical skills because of biological differences is actually a myth.
  • His ability is on a par with his ambition.

to be in keeping with

jelentés / meaning:
 összehangban van valamivel, harmóniában van valamivel, valaminek megfelelően

to be in harmony, conforming to, in agreement with, because of something
 példák / examples:
  • His actions are not in keeping with his words.
  • This is in keeping with the government's commitment to pursue conversation policies.
  • There will be no flowers at the funeral, in keeping with the family's wishes.
  • The new wing is in keeping with the house's original architecture.

with bated breath

gyakran használt, de helytelen formája: baited breath

jelentés / meaning:

visszatartott lélegzettel (vár valamit)

 if you wait for something with bated breath, you feel very excited or anxious while you are waiting

példák / examples:
  • They listened with bated breath for the announcement about the winner.
  • We stood there with bated  breath while the man hung on the side of the bridge.
  • We were waiting with bated breath for the prizes to be announced.
  • She waited with bated breath for their host to emerge from the shadows.
emerge= felbukkan, megjelenik,

walk off with something

also: to walk away with something

A.) jelentés / meaning: 

elsétál valamivel, lelép valamivel, ellop valamit
to take or steal something especially in relaxed or confident way

példák / examples:
  • Who walked off with my drink?
  • Thieves walked off with two million dollars' worth of jewellery.
  • This is someone else's umbrella! Someone must've walked off with mine.
  • You just can't walk off with his jacket!

jelentés / meaning: 

kisétál a nyereménnyel / könnyen megnyer, elnyer, 
win something easily 

példák / examples:

  • Maybe she'll walk off with the first prize. 
  • To walk off with the biggest ever prize in poker you'll need a......
  • She walked off with the top prize.

Your fly is open!

jelentés / meaning: 
lent van a slicced / ki van gombolva a slicced 

to have the zip or row of buttons at the front of your trousers open

példák / examples:
  • I was so embarrassed when I realised I had my fly open all afternoon. 
  • I think you need to know your fly is open.
  • That awkward moment when you notice your fly is open, and have to go back and think through every social encounter you've had since the last time you went to the bathroom.... 
  • Here's how to tell someone that their fly is open : link

put a positive spin on something

jelentés / meaning: 
kedvező színben tűntet fel valamit, 
a jó oldalát domborítja,emeli ki valaminek
jó oldalát nézi valaminek

(vagy a rossz oldalát, ha positive spin helyett negative spin-t használunk)
to twist a report or story to one's advantage; to interpret an event to make it seem favourable or beneficial to oneself or one's cause.

 a positive spin on failure

példák / examples:
  • The mayor tried to put a positive spin on the damaging polls.
  • I am an expert at putting a positive spin on the events of my life.
  • It is very important that you will put a positive spin on everything when dealing with customers. 
  • I was always irritated by those who try to put a positive spin on everything. That's what keeps people stuck in unhappy relationships, unfulfilling jobs, etc. MORE
  • This chef has put a new spin on seafood dishes . (új színben tűnteti fel, új oldalát mutatja)
  • The pundit's spin on the new legislation was highly critical. (~kritikus hangon értékelte, interpretálta )
pundit=hindu tudós

Innen jön a spin doctor kifejezés is.

spin doctor= valaki, aki média törvényszerűségeit ismerve egy népszerűtlen politikus vagy ügy közmegítélésén próbál javítani.
 A person who publicizes favorable interpretations of the words and actions of a public figure, especially an unpopular politican.

Every cloud has a silver lining.

jelentés / meaning:
Minden rosszban van valami jó.
( szó szerint="minden felhőnek ezüst kontúrja van")

something that you say which means that there is something good even in an unpleasant situation,
you can derive some benefit from every bad thing that happens to you

példák / examples:

  • Don't be unhappy that your boyfriend broke up with you, every cloud has a silver lining.

spill the beans

jelentés / meaning: 
elárul, felfed egy titkot ( véletlenül vagy rossz szándékkal )

disclose a secret, especially to do so unintentionally or maliciously,
tell people secret information 

példák / examples:
  • It was then that she threatened to spill the beans about her affair with the president.
  • It seemed a fine opportunity to spill the beans.
  • They had planned it as a surprise party, but somebody spilled the beans.
  • Mom already knows about your speeding ticket, I spilled the beans to her this morning.
  • Pete is always spilling the beans about everyone, in fact yesterday he told me a secret about his cousin!

take something at face value

jelentés / mean other meaning:
készpénznek vesz valamit (vagy valakit),
 elhisz valamit kételkedés nélkül

If you take something at face value, you accept it and believe it without thinking about it very much, even though it might be untrue.

'face value' másik jelentése:
 The face value of things such as coins, paper money, investment documents, or tickets is the amount of money that they are worth, and that is written on them = névérték

 'Don't take everything at face value...'

példák / examples:
  • I don't know whether I can take her story at face value, but I will assume that she is not lying.
  • The committee took the report at face value and approved the suggested changes. 
  • Public statements from the various groups involved should not necessarily be taken at face value. 
  • Do you have difficulty with accepting a person's word at face value? Your mistrust just might be missing you a great chance to take up an opportunity or develop a closer relationship with somebody. (more) 

approve=elfogad,jóváhagy, helyesel 

British and American Spelling Differences: -or-our

Különbségek az amerikai és brit angol helyesírása között -
    our és or szóvégek használata. Mikor melyiket használjuk? Melyik a "helyes"?

 Mindkettő helyes,de egy adott szövegen belül vagy a brit angol vagy az amerikai angol szabályainak próbáljunk megfelelni!

(be) prone to

jelentés / meaning:
hajlamos valamire (negatív dologra), kitett valaminek,

to be likely to be affected by something bad or harmful 

'Prone to attention seeking behaviour' (more)
példák / examples:
  • Some plants are prone to this particular disease.  
  • My boss is prone to anger when my work isn't done on schedule.
  • He was prone to emotional outbursts under stress.
  • Even though the problem is now mainly under control, I'm still prone to severe headaches if I spend too long in front of a screen.
  • Even soldiers are falling prone to our society's growing hypochondria.

to be affected by= érintett valamiben
emotional outburst = érezelmi kitörés
on schedule= határidőre/ időbesztás szerint 
severe headache= komoly fejfájás
screen= monitor 
behaviour=behavior (American spelling)= viselkedés
seek= keres

no prizes for guessing

jelentés / meaning:
nem nehéz kitalálni, hogy....
kettőt találhatsz, hogy.....

prize= jutalom, jutalomdíj, díj
guess= kitalál, találgat,

something that you say when it is very easy to guess something

 'No prizes for guessing where I was going.' (more)

példák / examples:
  • No prizes for guessing who John wants to ask to the party.
  • There are no prizes for guessing why my mum wasn't happy with that.
  • No prizes for guessing which route the government took and how the universities responded.
  • No prizes for guessing her favourite books.

he who pays the piper calls the tune

jelentés / meaning:
"aki fizeti a muzsikust, az rendeli a zenét" , aki fizet ,az dönthet

The person who pays a musician can decide what music he wants to hear. And the person who pays for any service has the right to say exactly what he wants.

piper  = a person who plays the pipe
pipe = a musical instrument
tune= a melody; a piece of music

 példák / examples:

  • When Mrs. Dalton told the artist what she wanted her portrait to look like, the artist cringed to think that anyone could have such bad taste. Still, he who pays the piper calls the tune, and Mrs. Dalton got what she wanted.

pet hate

jelentés / meaning: 
amit a legjobban utálsz,  
 legjobban irritáló dolog, "kedvenc" idegesítő dolog amit utálsz

 something you strongly dislike because it particularly annoys you

'Back-seat drivers are motorists’ biggest pet hate'
(more: )
példák / examples:
  • TV game shows are one of my pet hates.
  • A pet hate of ours is telephone salesmen who phone just as we're sitting down to watch TV
  • My pet hate is being put on hold on the telephone.
  • One of my pet hates is when people leave an event before it has finished. I have been in concerts, theatre shows or even sporting events where people get up and leave before the event has finished. I find this really rude to the performer.
  • What are your top 5 pet hates? (examples here


pet=    háziállat, kedvenc
pet=    kedvenc (person treated as a favourite, for example: 'the teacher's pet')
pet=    kedvenc, sok figyelmet kapó dolog ( thing that is given special attention, for example:    
  • pet hate,
  • pet peeve (American English),  
  • pet project, 
  • pet theory,
  • pet aversion,  my pet aversion= amitől leginkább iszonyodom ,
back seat driver   = A backseat driver is a passenger who is not controlling the vehicle, and seems to be uncomfortable with the skills of the and/or wants to tutor the driver while the driver is at the wheel.

out of the way (village or other place)

jelentés / meaning: 
messzi, eldugott,  isten háta mögötti ( falu vagy egyéb hely) 
not near any cities or large towns, being in a remote or secluded location

'Another out of the way place I found during my motorbike wanderings is the tiny village of Cortes de Pallás.' (more)

 példák / examples:
  • We're going to stay in an out of the way village.
  • We decided to vacation in a quiet place in Maine that is really out of the way.
  • London is filled with small musuems in out of way places. (more)
  • We went to some out of the way places during out trip.
  • Wae Rebo is a small, very out of the way village located some 1,100 meters above sea level, where the air is cool and the village completely surrounded by panoramic mountains and the dense Todo forest. (more)

remote= távoli
secluded= elhagyatott

rough it

jelentés / meaning:
kihúz (pl.: egy estét egy kényelmetlen helyen), meghúzza magát valahol, 

to live without the usual comforts and conveniences.

 példák / examples:
  • I don't mind roughing it tonight if we can stay somewhere a bit more comfortable tomorrow.
  • We roughed it in a small hunting shack. 
  • They prefer to rough it on their travels, and sleep in the car or take a tent.
  • Many young people who haven't got enough money to stay in a hotel are happy to rough it rather than miss their annual holiday.
hunting shack=vadászkunyhó
annual= éves