done and dusted

jelentés / meaning:
teljesen készen van, teljesen befejezett,
100 %-os, nincs már teendő vele kapcsolatban

  • (an event, activity, deal ) is successfully completed (none is left to be done.)
  •  something is not only created or accomplished but it is also polished and cleaned up after.
 példák / examples:
  • However, as the report makes clear, this does not mean that all is done and dusted: far from it. 
  • 2011 is almost done and dusted. (mondja valaki az év utolsó napjaiban)
  • I had a lot to do last week, but I got it all done and dusted. Today I relax! 
  • It still isn't official but it's done and dusted.
nyers fordítás:
  • Bár- mint ahogy azt a jelentés világossá teszi- ez nem jelenti azt, hogy minden teljesen készen van -messze nincs.
  • 2011-nek majdnem vége.
  • Sok dolgom volt a múlt héten, de mind megcsináltam. Ma pihenek.
  • Még mindig nem hivatalos, de már kész és "elrendezett". ( vagy egyezség esetén: "megköttetett" )

an apple a day keeps the doctor away

jelentés / meaning:
"Minden nap egy alma, az orvost távol tartja."

példák és linkek / examples and links:

  • 9 Reasons why An Apple a Day Really Keeps the Doctor away 
  • The saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” probably gives you the impression that apples are the healthiest fruits. This proverb was first mentioned more than a century ago, and it is still widely used today. Other than the fact that it is easy to remember and fun to say, it may also be true to a certain extent; otherwise, it would not have enjoyed such popularity for such a long time.(source )
  •  An apple a day keeps the doctor away but if the doctor is cute screw the fruit. (screw ~egye meg a fene)

widely used= széles körben használt
to a certain extent =bizonyos mértékig
popularity= népszerűség

kill two birds with one stone

jelentés / meaning: 
két legyet üt egy csapásra
az angol verzió ezt úgy mondja tehát, hogy "két madarat öl meg egy kővel"

to solve two problems at one time with a single action
to manage to do two things at the same time instead of just one (source)
to accomplish two tasks with only one effort 

példák / examples:
  •   I went shopping for shoes, and I also bought a purse! I killed two birds with one stone.
  • John learned the words to his part in the play while peeling potatoes. He was killing two birds with one stone.
  • Biking to work kills two birds with one stone. It saves money travelling and will help to lose weight.
  • Today I am going to try to kill two birds with one stone with this post.
  • He was able to kill two birds with one stone by going to the meeting.

I am at a loss

jelentés / meaning:
tanácstalan vagyok

to be in a state of uncertainty

példák / examples:
  • I am at a loss for words. ( Nem találok szavakat.)
  • I was at a loss for words after his last comment.
  • I am at a loss for a topic. ( Nem tudok miről beszélni.)
  • I am at a loss for words to express my feelings. (Nem találok szavakat az érzéseim kifejezésére.)
  • We were at a loss about what to do with the computer. (Nem tudtuk mihez kezdjünk a számítógéppel
  • I am at a loss and don't know what to do.(Tanácstalan vagyok és nem tudom mit tegyek.)
  • I'm at a loss right now what to do. ( Nem tudom, mitévő legyek)
  • I am at a loss to understand. (Képtelen vagyok megérteni.)

have something in mind

jelentés / meaning:
gondol valamire (mint lehetséges választásra),tervez valamit,
észben tart valamit (választás előtt)

to intend, to plan, 
to be thinking about something as a possibility

példák / examples:

  • What do you have in mind for  your wife's birthday
  • Do you have anyone in mind for the job?
  • Woman: What kind of movies do you have in mind? Man: Well, what about action movies? 
  • What do you have in mind?
  • I'm not sure what you have in mind.
  • 5 Good Tips To Have In Mind When Choosing a Laptop. (észben tartani)

  még több példa / more examples ( from Wiktionary)
  • That's not what I had in mind, but I'll take it.
  • I had in mind going shopping this afternoon.
  • I had in mind to go shopping.
  • I had your birthday in mind when I went shopping.
  • I had in mind your birthday when I went shopping.
  • I had buying you a present in mind when I went to the store.
  • I had in mind buying you a present when I went to the store.

"love handles"

jelentés / meaning: 
úszógumi (olyan, ami hozzánk nőtt! :D)

"The areas of extra fat that hang or slightly bulge from the sides, and are also the little rolls on the lower back. Both men and women can have these." (urban dictionary

 példák / examples:
  • A girl with love handles around the waist is very sexy.
  • That girl's love handles are so cute....Damn look at those curves!
  • Are lovehandles cute?
  • Love handles can be attractive in some cases because they can add to an over-all curvy look.
  • How to lose your love handles?
  • How can I get rid of love handles?

to let somebody down

jelentése / meaning:
valakit cserben hagy, becsap, csalódást kelt valakiben

to disappoint somebody or to fail to uphold a commitment
"They let me down."

példák / examples:
  • He really let me down when he didn't arrive on time. 
  • I won't let you down.
  • The AMD FX processor won't let you down.
  • All you need to remember is that God will never let you down.
  • I'll have to let you down right now.
  • My country let me down.
Ne feledjük, hogy a let ige második és harmadik alakja (múlt idő) is let.

burn the midnight oil

jelentés / meaning: 
késő éjszakáig tanul vagy dolgozik

to study (or work) late into the night 

példák / examples:
  • I have an important exam tomorrow so I'll be burning the midnight oil tonight.
  • I've got to get this report finished by tomorrow so I guess I'll be burning the midnight oil tonight.
  • I was up all night burning the midnight oil.
  • That call was from the office and I guess I'll have to burn the midnight oil again.

he's got a point

jelentés / meaning: 
"mond valamit", jól érvel, igaza van ebben
  • "This term is used when acknowledging someones opinion on a given object of discussion. Typically used when someone brings a new idea into a conversation."
  • He has a valid idea about that.

 “God created war so that Americans would learn geography.”
―Mark Twain
példák / examples: 

Legtöbbször a beszélt nyelvben fordul elő,ott viszont nagyon gyakran. ezek a példák is mind párbeszédekből lettek kiemelve:
  • You have to admit, he's got a point there.
  • You know, she's got a point, Barry.
  • But at least take a blood sample. ... She's got a point there, Frank.

left me with a lot of ideas

jelentés /meaning: 
sok ötletet adott nekem / elgondolkoztatott

 "It left me with a lot of ideas on how to develop my new blog"
példák / examples:
  • The novel left me with a lot of ideas to ponder. One of the ideas that I am still thinking about after reading this novel is the comparison between ant colonies and human civilization. (source)
  • That last discussion we had left me with a lot of ideas in my head.
  • Both of these left me with a lot of ideas zinging around my brain, and I'll post about some of them in the next few days.
  • I think this break has left me with a lot of ideas and a fresh enthusiasm.

to be out of the woods

jelentés / meaning: 
kint van a vízből, kint van a pácból, túl van a nehezén, túl van a problémán, megmenekült,

overcome difficult challenges
free from difficulty or danger; safe.

"We are not out of the woods yet."
 példák / examples:
  • Joe was sick two weeks ago and we were very worried, but now it looks like he is out of the woods.
  • It is true that the economy is getting stronger, but we are not out of the woods yet.
  • Is Hungary out of the woods?

get somebody's hopes up

jelentés / meaning:
reményeket ébreszt valakiben,(sokszor hiú reményeket)
ha magáról van szó: nagy reményeket fűz valamihez 

to make someone think that what they want is going to happen
to make someone more hopeful
példák / examples:
  • Don't get your hopes up: our chances of winning are slim.
  • I'm telling myself not to get my hopes up.  (~nem szabad túlságosan reménykednem, bíznom benne) 
  • I'm sorry for getting your hopes up. (Bocs, hogy hiú reményeket ébresztettem benned.)
  • I don’t want to get your hopes up, but I think we may have won the lottery!
  • Shelly got her hopes up when she called the radio station to try and win tickets to see Britney Spears. She was disappointed, however, when she didn’t win. 

  • Mary: I think he may be going to ask me to marry him!
    Rebecca: Don’t go getting your hopes up, are you sure it’s an engagement ring?

it is still early days

még korai megítélni,(mert még kezdeti szakaszában van valami)

it is too soon to make a judgement about something

  • It looks like we will earn a profit, but it's early days yet and we can't be sure.
  • It's still early days for social impact measurement in the housing sector. We're pretty excited about the opportunity there, but it's still early days.
  • Already, this approach is starting to yield results, although it is still early days.  
  • It's still early days in the rehearsals but the set looks amazing.

social impact= társadalmi hatás
rehearsal= színházi próba
set= díszlet
fad=hóbort, vesszőparipa

put up with something

jelentése/ meaning:
tolerál, belenyugszik

tolerate, to accept or continue to accept an unpleasant situation 

  • I can't put up with my neighbour's noise any longer; it's driving me mad.
  • Why do you put up with it?
  • I put up with a lot of nonsense, but this is too much.
  • The workers in the factory had been badly treated for a long time and they couldn't put up with it any more, so they went on strike.
  • "Hannah's Diary" was themed around the question of how much the characters were willing to put up with in order to get something they need.

natural selection

jelentése / meaning:
természetes kiválasztódás

Natural selection is the process by which species adapt to their environment.
Natural selection is the idea that organisms that are best suited to survive pass their traits down.

példák / examples:
  • Does it take long periods of time for natural selection to occur?
  • The term natural selection was first used by Charles Darwin in his ground-breaking work The Origin of Species, which presented his unique views on evolution. 

to be in the clear

jelentése / meaning:
(valaki) tiszta, nem bűnös, nem hibás

not guilty of a crime, not responsible for a mistake,  
free from danger or suspicion of wrongdoing

példák / examples:
  •  Mark is in the clear.
  • The police breathalysed him last night, but he was in the clear.
  • The X-rays showed that she's in the clear.
  • The evidence showed that the suspect was actually in the clear.

she had a go at me

to have a go at somebody
jelentése/ meaning:
leszid valakit, nekiesik vagy nekitámad valakinek (verbálisan)

to verbally attack somebody, tell somebody off,  confront somebody over a particular issue,  starting an argument, shout at somebody

"My mother had a go at me for not doing my homework."
  • My wife had a go at me last night. She said 'You'll drive me to my grave'.
  • Mum had a go at me for not doing my homework.
  • The boss had a go at me for being late for work.

to kick one's heels

jelentése / meaning:
 tűkön ül/ idegesen és hosszasan várakozik / megvárakoztatnak valakit
 közben az ember akár tényleg a saját sarkát rugdossa türelmetlenségében

to be kept waiting
 "Let the applicants kick their heels in your hall."
példák / examples:
  • She kicked her heels for hours at the gate of the Embassy
  • I was left kicking my heels for half an hour.
  • The problem is that I am on time and now I have to kick my heels for 20-30 minutes.

I'll never live it down

jelentése / meaning:
sose mosom le magamról, soha nem fogják elfelejteni nekem

people will not forget something bad or embarrassing that you have done
live down: to live so as to wipe out the memory or effects of

 " I'll never live it down."
példák / examples:
  • I'll never live down the fact that I spilt wine on my boss's dress.
  • I knew she'd never live it down.
  • John ' s business failure hurt him for a long time , but in the end he lived it down.

put your thinking cap on

jelentése / meaning:
kezdj el gondolkozni róla, törd a fejed

Take time for consideration of some question, think carefully

példák/ examples:
  • It's time to put our thinking cap on, boys.
  • Put on your thinking cap and try to remember whose car was it.
  • Now using these examples, put on your thinking cap and see what you can identify as possible trends.

a vicious circle

[ˈvɪʃəsˈ sər-kəl ] 
jelentése/ meaning:
ördögi kör

vicious= harapós, gonosz, rossz
a situation which makes itself worse, so that there is little chance of improvement

"Look out, it's a vicious circle!"
  • The fatter I get, the unhappier I am, so I eat to cheer myself up, which makes me fatter yet. It's a vicious circle.
  • All of these factors have contributed to a vicious circle.

a square meal

jelentése / meaning:
kiadós, bőséges, laktató étkezés
square= derékszögű, négyzetes, tisztességes, korrekt , tér

a good and satisfying meal

"This is what I call a square meal!"

példák / examples:
  • Most of these supermodels don't look like they've had a square meal in their life.
  • "I gave him half a dollar and a square meal." (Jack London, The Mexican)
  • "After all that travelling, we needed a square meal."
A kifejezés eredete / Origin of the phrase

make up leeway

bepótol mulasztást / behoz lemaradást/ behoz késést

If you have to make up leeway you have to do extra work because you have not done as much work as you should have done

példák/ examples:
  • We've got quite a lot of leeway to make up.
  • There was an attempt to make up leeway in 1940 and 1941, but it was hampered by
    difficulties in securing shipping space and by losses through enemy action. ...
  • There is a short break of 10 minutes between each presentation, to make up leeway caused by prolonged presentation or discussion. (source)

odd one out / odd man out

 jelentése/ meaning:

exception, misfit
Something or someone in a group that is different or exceptional that does not fit.


stray dog

jelentése/ meaning:
kóbor kutya
a dog without an owner

"A stray dog riding the Moscow metro to get from its suburban place of living to the city center."

  • What to do if you find a stray dog or if your dog goes missing. (more
  • Russian scientists say that Moscow stray dogs became much smarter. (more)


by the same token

jelentése / meaning:
hasonlóképpen, ugyanezen az alapon, továbbá

for a similar reason, in a similar manner

példák / examples:

  • Tom: I really got cheated! Bob: You think they've cheated you, but, by the same token, they believe that you've cheated them.
  • For example, if you write in all caps it may appear as though you are shouting. By the same token, do not type in all lower case because it may suggest laziness. (email correspondence)
  • By the same token, that same contract will likely be totally inappropriate for many other types of situations.
  • By the same token, this example is not valid.
  • But, by the same token, you can lose time if you try to run analyses on models that aren't built for it.