
létszámban, számbelileg felülmúl

to exceed the number of / to exceed in number

" He is outnumbered."
  • It is fairly well known that women today outnumber men in American colleges. 
  • Smartphone owners now outnumber other mobile users in the U.S.
  • For the first time, urban dwellers in China now outnumber those living in the country. (more) (dweller=lakos)
  • Top 10:  Cities where woman outnumber men.
taxpayer = adófizető 

call it a day

végeztünk, legyen ennyi elég mára

stop doing something ( especially stop working for the rest of the day)

"Let's call it a day."
  • I am tired. Let's call it a day.
  • Why don't we call it a day?
  • They have decided to call it a day.
  • I was tempted to call it a day.  ( I was tempted= kísértésbe estem.)

white as a sheet

jelentése/ meaning:
fehér mint a fal (ijedtségtől)
extremely pale because frightened or sick

  •  You are white as a sheet!
  • Any time I encounter more than two fifth graders in a group I turn white as a sheet. I'm afraid they'll jump on me and beat me.
  •  When he blurted out the bad news, Jeff turned white as a sheet and I burst into tears. (more)
  • My wife tells me I went white as a sheet when William called to tell me the news.
  • f any one of these people ever really encountered a real demon they would turn white as a sheet and their hair would turn white.

segítség a fordításhoz:

encounter= összefut, összetalálkozik
fifth grader= ötödikes 
blurt out= kibök,kifecseg

he's slow on the uptake

jelentése / meaning:
lassú a felfogása

not able to understand something quickly

"I know I'm a bit slow on the uptake."
példák/ examples:

at the outset

jelentése / meaning:

at the very beginning

példák/ examples:
  • At the outset we were told everything we had to do.
  • Here are some of the most common – and important – blogging terms that you should know at the outset. cikk / article
  • 10 of the worst places to be at the outset of a zombie apocalypse cikk/article

I have a lot on my plate

jelentése / meaning:
sok dolgom van / azt sem tudom hol áll a fejem

to be very busy with many different activities, problems

példák/ examples:
  • I can't take that on now; I've got too much on my plate already. Read more
  • My brother is attending university, he has a full-time job, and volunteers at a school. He really has a lot on his plate.
  • I don't want to bother my wife with my problems, she's got enough on her plate with her mother in hospital.

I have to dash

jelentése / meaning:
Rohannom kell! Sietek.

I need to move with haste / rush 
"I have to dash, boys!"
példák/ examples:
  • I have to dash now.
  • Anyway, I have to dash to rehearsal today, so I will write more tomorrow. (rehearsal=színházi próba)
  • I have to dash off to the store, but I'll be back soon.
  • He dashed across the field.

it gives me the creeps

jelentése / meaning:
a frászt hozza rám, libabőrös leszek tőle,
a hideg ráz tőle

makes me feel frightened, anxious and disgusted

példák / examples:

  • This old house gives me the creeps.
  • Spiders give me the creeps
  • Walking through the graveyard late at night gave me the creeps.
  • How to make your boyfriend happy: Friends, especially old friends, are usually particularly close to his heart so never let slip that they give you the creeps or wonder out loud what on earth he has in common with them.Read more: here 

to freeload


to take advantage of the charity, generosity, or hospitality of others,
to accept food and housing 

példák/ examples:
  • He was angry at his brother because he was always freeloading and never worried about finding a job. 
  • "Washington is a town of freeloaders so of course it's only natural that some people compile lists of the best freeloading events of the Christmas party season."  source

Is he just using me to freeload?