like a ton of bricks

 formái és jelentései:
hit somebody like a ton of bricks -  váratlanul csap le valakire (negatív esemény)
come down on somebody like a ton of bricks- hirtelen csap le valakire, megdorgál, 
be down on somebody like a ton of bricks - hirtelen csap le valakire, megdorgál, 

 to punish someone very quickly and severely 

  • If you miss any more classes , your teachers will be down on you like a ton of bricks.
  • When he failed to supply his accounts , tax inspectors came down on him like a ton of bricks.
  • The news about the tragic terrorist acts hit us like a ton of bricks.
  • How do you realize that you need to make a change? Is it gradual, or does it hit you like a ton of bricks?

crack a joke


poént elsüt

to tell a joke, to make a joke

  • NYPD( New York Police Department) arrests a guy for cracking a joke.
A guy cracks a joke about a guy on a bicycle getting a ticket for riding on the sidewalk and ends up in handcuffs and under arrest. Apparently making jokes about people's misfortunes is illegal in New York....
arrest= letartóztat
get a ticket for riding ont the sidewalk= megbüntetik, mert a járdán teker kerékpárjával
ends up in handcuffs = bilincsben köt ki

NYPD Arrests Guy For Cracking A Joke - Watch MoreFunny Videos

she was born with a silver spoon in her mouth

Nagyon gazdagnak születik.
("ezüst kanállal a szájában") 

to have opportunities that you did not earn but that you have from the influence of your family

példa / example:
  • He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and has never worked in his life.