He is asking for troublewith his behavior ( behavior= viselkedés, magatartás)
If you think you are saving time and money by not having an Anti-Virus program you are onlyasking for trouble. (by not having an Anti-Virus program= azzal / az által, hogy nincs vírusvédő szoftvered)
You're asking for trouble when you tease Mike Tyson. (tease= ingerel, kötekedik)
Some people ask for trouble? Egyesek keresik a bajt? - fire stunt gets out of hand - elvadul a tüzes mutatvány :
Take a moment to re-read these posts from way back in July about....
Surely you have some great memories from way back when you used to play Everquest? ( ~ Biztosan vannak szép emlékeid régről, mikor Everquest-et játszottál ?! )