gyorstalpaló tanfolyamon vesz részt (nem feltétlenül tényleges tanfolyamon),
gyorsan, a "helyzet hozta szükség okán" tanul meg valamit
a rapid and intense course of training
detailed explanation
példák / examples:
- He took a crash course in Italian on his way to Italy.
- I am going to do a crash course in Spanish before my holiday.
- The main focus at Crashcourse is to offer a choice of intense, 1-day, hands-on courses on specific topics in Linux and open source. (Itt a crash course-okat kínáló cég neve Crashcourse. )
- Keep in mind this is the 4 Hour Photoshop Crash Course - not the 4 minute crash course.
- a crash course in clothing
A crash course in motorcycle safety :