get somebody's hopes up

jelentés / meaning:
reményeket ébreszt valakiben,(sokszor hiú reményeket)
ha magáról van szó: nagy reményeket fűz valamihez 

to make someone think that what they want is going to happen
to make someone more hopeful
példák / examples:
  • Don't get your hopes up: our chances of winning are slim.
  • I'm telling myself not to get my hopes up.  (~nem szabad túlságosan reménykednem, bíznom benne) 
  • I'm sorry for getting your hopes up. (Bocs, hogy hiú reményeket ébresztettem benned.)
  • I don’t want to get your hopes up, but I think we may have won the lottery!
  • Shelly got her hopes up when she called the radio station to try and win tickets to see Britney Spears. She was disappointed, however, when she didn’t win. 

  • Mary: I think he may be going to ask me to marry him!
    Rebecca: Don’t go getting your hopes up, are you sure it’s an engagement ring?