under his/her belt

jelentés / meaning:
  • valami a tarsolyában van (képesség), 
  • valamivel ( tapasztalattal )  a háta mögött
  • valami a "bendőjében" van
to have something under his/her belt: have something achieved, counted or scored.
to get something under your belt: to learn, to master something
to have something under his/her belt: have sg. eaten or drunk and in one's stomach.

 példák / examples:
  • Frank has over four hundred wins under his belt.
  • Finally, she got good painting techniques under her belt.  
  • When I get the right procedures under my belt, I will be more efficient. 
  • She was a capable individual, with fourteen years as managing director under her belt. 
  • He has several major drama awards under his belt.
forrás, source : free dictionary

try his/her hand at something

jelentés / meaning:
kipróbálja magát valamiben 

to try doing something for the first time, to attempt to do something

 példák / examples:
  • I might try my hand at a bit of Indian cooking.
  • Peter worked as a journalist, and he also tried his hand at writing fiction for a time. 
  • John has decided to try his hand at bee-keeping. 

heads will roll

jelentés / meaning: 
(ezért még) fejek fognak hullni  
szó szerint: fejek fognak gurulni

people will get into severe trouble/ something that you say which means people will lose their jobs as punishment for making serious mistakes

 példák / examples:
  • How could the air force have bombed a school by mistake? Heads will roll, believe me!
  • Have you any idea how much money this mistake will cost the company? You can be sure that heads will roll. 
  • When the company's year-end results are known, heads will roll.
  • You can rest assured that heads will roll for this.

hand over fist

jelentés / meaning: 
játszva, könnyedén, gyorsan (szerzel vagy veszítesz el pénzt)
szó szerint: kéz az ököl felett

if you make or lose money hand over fist, you make or lose large amounts of it very quickly

"Rovio is making money hand over fist from its most popular game, Angry Birds."  read more

példák / examples:
  • What a busy day. We took in money hand over fist.  
  • They were buying things hand over fist.
  • Business was good and we were making money hand over fist.  
  • Last year their company was losing money hand over fist.

keep somebody at arm's lenght

jelentés / meaning: 
három lépés távolságot tart valakivel
(= "kartávolágban tart valakit, nem engedi annál közelebb ")
If you keep someone or something at arm's length, you keep a safe distance away from them.

példák / examples:

  • There is an art in managing to be polite while keeping your neighbours at arm's length.
  • Martha always keeps her coworkers at arm's length.
(Martha, who works in an office, is very careful when it comes to sharing personal details at work. Her coworkers are always trying to engage Martha in personal conversations. They invite Martha to parties and other social events. Martha always refuses the invitations. Martha prefers to keep her professional work life very separate from her personal life.) source

walls have ears

jelentés / meaning:
a falnak is füle van

something that you say in order to warn someone to be careful what they say because someone may be listening

példák / examples:
  •  Why don't we go and talk about this somewhere quieter? Walls have ears, you know.
  • A: 'Tell me more.' B: 'Not just now.Walls have ears. Let's take a walk in the park.' ( not just now~ de nem most)

your guess is as good as mine

jelentés / meaning:
  • nem tudom (én se); nem tudom jobban mint te
  • a te becslésed, tipped éppoly jó, mint az enyém
 When you respond to someone's question by saying "your guess is an good as mine" you are letting them know that you can not speak with certainty about something. If you were to answer their question, you would only be guessing.

példák / examples:
  • Jill: How long should we bake this pie? Jane: Your guess is as good as mine.
  • 'How long do you think this job will take?' 'Your guess is as good as mine.'
  • 'What does he doing?' 'Your guess is as good as mine.'
  • How that links to a bloody great sea serpent... your guess is as good as mine.

by hook or by crook

jelentés / meaning:

by whatever means necessary
to obtain an objective by any means necessary

mean= eszköz
hook=kampó, horog
crook=kampó, pásztorbot 

 példák / examples:
Worker 1: "I heard that you won a free vacation."
Worker 2: "I did! How awesome is that? The only problem is that I need to get time off work to be able to take the vacation."
Worker 1: "That could be difficult. You know how strict the boss is."
Worker 2: " I'll get the time off work by hook or by crook."
Worker 1: "What do you mean"?
Worker 2: "I'll beg the boss. I'll pay someone to cover my work. Maybe I can take a leave of absence. I'll quit my job if I have to."
Worker 1: Wow! That's pretty extreme. Good Luck!"
forrás, source: idioms4you.com

bark up the wrong tree

jelentés / meaning: 

rossz helyen kopogtat
"rossz fára ugat fel"

  • to mistake one's object, or to pursue the wrong course to obtain it.
  •  to ask the wrong person; to make the wrong choice;
  • to make a mistake or a false assumption in something you are trying to achieve.

példák / examples:
  • If you think I'm the guilty person, you're barking up the wrong tree.
  • I know you think I stole your umbrella. But really, I don't have it. You are barking up the wrong tree."
  • She's barking up the wrong tree if she's interested in Gavin. Doesn't she know he's gay? 
  • If you're looking for a new job, Ted, you're barking up the wrong tree. We aren't hiring right now. 

to be on edge

jelentés / meaning:
feszült, ideges, ingerült,
to be nervous or worried about something,
 impatient, excited,

 példák / examples:
  • The players were all a little on edge before the big game.
  • I was on edge the whole time I was there.  
  • We were all on edge as we listened to the TV for news of the election results.