safe and sound

jelentés / meaning:
ép és egészséges, ép és egyben van

if you are safe and sound, you are not harmed in any way, although you were in a dangerous situation

példák / examples:
  • It was a rough trip, but we got there safe and sound.
  •  I'm glad to see you here safe and sound.
  • Home again, safe and sound.
  • It was a dangerous journey but luckily we all got back safe and sound.
  • The package took a long time to get here, but it arrived safe and sound in the end. 
Taylor Swift- Safe and Sound
..."You and I'll be safe and sound."...

keep your options open

also: to leave your options open
jelentés / meaning:
nyitva hagyni a lehetőségeket

to wait before making a choice

példák / examples:
  • I want to keep my options open, so I didn't sign the contract yet.
  • Right now you may not know what you want to do with your future, or exactly how to get ready for it.That's okay. You have plenty of time to figure out what interests you, what you're good at, and how those things add up to a career. The most important thing to do right now is make sure you keep your options open. 
  • Follow your interests, get the best available education and training, set your sights high, be persistent, be flexible, keep your options open, accept help when offered, and be prepared to help others. (Quote by - Mildred Spiewak Dresselhaus)  
  • Keeping Your Options Open Could Be Hurting Your Career

Better safe than sorry

better to be safe than sorry

jelentés / meaning: 
Jobb félni, mint megijedni.

You should be cautious—if you are not, you may regret it./
something that you say which means it is best not to take risks even if it seems boring or hard work to be careful

American and British slang words- with Hugh Laurie

  • flossing= showing off ( felvágás, dicsekvés valamivel)
  • chinwag = chat 
  • badonkadonk = Nice, big, round, scrumpitous female behind (ass), 
  • chuffed to bits = thrilled, really pleased
  • shawty= young kid or sexy woman

bite somebody's head off

jelentés / meaning:
Leharapja valaki fejét, mérgesen reagál, mérgesen beszél valakivel , túlreagál valamit

to speak sharply and with great anger to someone. / overreact to something that someone has done or done
példák / examples:
  • Don't bite my head off! Be patient.
  • I'm very sorry I lost my temper. I didn't mean to bite your head off.
  • I only asked if I could borrow your bike. There's no need to bite my head off!   
  • You don’t have to bite my head off !
  • Ask her to step down from the board? She'd bite my head off!
  • Try not to bite his head off. 
  • I can't tell him he is not good at doing his job, he'd bite my head off!
I lost my temper= elvesztettem az önuralmam
patient ( ~pésönt)= türelmes
step down from the board~ lemond a bizottsági pozíciójáról

send somebody away with a flea in their ear

jelentés / meaning: 
elzavar, mérgesen elküld, visszautasít félreérthetetlenül,
to angrily tell someone to go away
flea= bolha

példák / examples:
  •  A young kid came asking for money but I sent him away with a flea in his ear.
  • He pulled out his warrant but I sent him away with a flea in his ear.
  • However, while Bill Gates may have become accustomed to getting his way with US politicians, Jiang reportedly sent him away with a flea in his ear: "Come back to China," the President said, "when you have learned something about Chinese culture." Global Times article
  •  The man says something nice to you and you sent him away with a flea in his ear!
warrant=végzés, parancs, meghatalmazás, bizonylat....
reportedly= állítólag/ azt mondják 
become accustomed= hozzászokott

on the spot

jelentés / meaning:
1. helyben, a helyszínen, ott helyben,
2. azon nyomban, azonnal

1. At the scene of action.
2. Without delay; at once

 (Spektrumon adott dokumentumsorozat linkje)
példák / examples:
  • We hired her on the spot.
  • They were on the spot when it happened.
  • It had to be decided by the man on the spot.
  • How to cry on the spot? Some occasions in life call for crying even if you don't feel like doing so.

she/he/ it.... is out of my league

jelentés / meaning: 
Nem az én súlycsoportom- (mert jobb nálam)
league= liga   [ liːg ]

If someone or something is out of your league, you aren't good enough or rich enough, etc, for it or them.

példák / examples:
  • She's out of my league. (You think she is too pretty/popular/cool for you, and that she would never date you.)
  • He was so good-looking and so popular that I felt he was out of my league.
  • I think an expensive car is a little out of your league right now, don't you?
  • She's way out of my league. (way out of my league= "messze (nagyon) kívül van a súlycsoportomon" )

így is:
  • This house isn't in the same league with our old one.  ( not nearly as good as something or someone else)

for donkey's years

jelentés / meaning: 
nagyon hosszú ideig

for a very long time/
If people have done something, usually without much if any change, for an awfully long time, they can be said to have done it for donkey's years.

 példák / examples:
  • I've been doing this job for donkey's years.
  • With a heavy make-up, you'll be the cutest vampire I've seen in donkey's years.
  • We've been close friends for donkey 's years.
  • I haven't seen you in donkey's years.

in a nutshell

jelentés / meaning:
dióhéjban, néhány szóban
( amikor elmesélsz, elmondasz valamit)

in a few words, summed up briefly

példák / examples:

  • Just give me the facts in a nutshell.
  • Just tell me the story in a nutshell.
  • I explained my situation to the hotel manager in a nutshell.
  • "In a nutshell, the problem was caused by a faulty wire" -said the experienced electrician. 
  • The Norway in a nutshell ® tour takes you through some of Norway's most beautiful fjord scenery. (link)
  • Buddhism in a nutshell -(PDF
  • To put it in a nutshell, I don't want to do it.
faulty wire= hibás vezeték
scenerey= táj, tájkép, látvány 
to put it= mondani (valahogy)

as the crow flies

jelentés / meaning:
(amikor távolságról beszélünk)
angol verzióban:" ahogy a varjú repül" , "varjúröptében"
the shortest route between two points/ a straight line between the two places

 példák / examples:
  • As the crow flies it's about 80 kilometres.
  • It's about 5 kilometres as the crow flies.
  • Our farm is only five miles from town as the crow flies, but the winding roads mean we have to drive nearly eight miles to get there.

keep a straight face

jelentés / meaning:
fapofát vág
(szó szerint: "egyenes" arcot)

A face that betrays no sign of emotion /
a serious facial expression, especially one that conceals the impulse to laugh
fapofa - straight face
 példák / examples:
  •  He has such a strange voice that it's difficult to keep a straight face when he's talking.
  • How to keep a straight face? (wikihow tips)
  • It's hard to keep a straight face when someone tells a funny joke.
  • Can you keep a straight Face?
  • 'It was hard to keep a straight face': Twilight stars admit that gory birth scene in Breaking Dawn was funny to film. Daily Mail article 
gory= véres


jelentés / meaning:
hátulütő / rossz oldala valaminek

a negative aspect 

 példák / examples:
  • There is a downside to every job.
  • There is a downside even to motherhood.
  • He couldn't find any downside to the car.
  • The downside of living in the country is, of course, the long commute to work.
  • The Downside of Cohabiting Before Marriage  (New York Times article)

something is up and running

jelentés / meaning:
valami működik,megy / valami zajzlik, megy

in operation, functioning properly

 példák / examples:
  • The computer is up and running again.
  • The engineer soon got the air-conditioning up and running again. 
  • Festival season is up and running. (!)
  • The blog is back, up and running.

pot calling the kettle black

jelentés / meaning: 
Bagoly mondja verébnek, (hogy nagy a feje)

 angol verzióban: ~ Üst mondja ,kannának hogy fekete.
pot= fazék, üst, edény
kettle: vízforraló kanna, 

the person accusing (the "pot") shares some quality with the target of their accusation (the "kettle")

 példák / examples:
  • Pot calling the kettle black!
  • A classic case of the pot calling the kettle black is to be found in today's gospel.
  • It was like the pot calling the kettle black when the woman who is always late for work criticized her coworker for also coming late.

six pack / 6 pack abs

jelentés / meaning: 
kockahas; annyira izmos / szálkás has, hogy már látszódnak a hasizom 'kockái', melyek így, egymásra rakva nagyon hasonlítanak a 6-os csomagban értékesített üdítősdobozokhoz (innen az elnevezés)

stomach that is muscular enough to resemble a six pack of soda cans 

példák / examples:

  • Matthew McConaughey has six pack abs.
  • You'll never have six pack abs without doing a lot of cardio excercises.
  • You have to reduce your bodyfat to have a visual six pack abs.

apple of one`s eye

jelentés / meaning: 
kedvenc (személy); vkinek a szíve csücske 

one's favourite (person, somebody)

példák / examples:

have a word with somebody

jelentés / meaning: 
beszél valakivel (valami konkrét dologgal kapcsolatban, röviden, jellemzően négy szem között)

a short conversation or discussion, usually without other people listening (source ) /
talk to somebody for a specific reason.

 példák / examples:

  • May I have a word with you?
  • I don't think she's interested but I'll have a word with her. 
  • Can I have a quick word with you?
  • I need to have a word with you.
  • I will have a word with my boss before he goes home tonight.

bottle it up

jelentés / meaning:
Magában tartja (érzéseit)

to hold one's feelings within;
to keep from saying something that one feels strongly about

szó szerenti jelentésben: palackoz valamit,
to put some sort of liquid into bottles.

példák / examples:
  • Let's talk about it, John. You shouldn't bottle it up.
  • She bottled up her feelings.
  • She bottled up her emotions throughout the tournament.
  • Keeping your feelings all bottled up might seriously damage your health.